Tag Archives: ‘Nutrition’
10 Interesting And Random Facts About The Human Body
1. Bunions on the foot can be caused by an inflexible big toe. 2. Having less than 15 degrees of flexion at the ankle will cause a persons feet to turn out when they walk 3. Your body will
Cheat Meal, Cheat Day or Cheat Weekend?
Have you ever been guilty of converting a cheat meal to a cheat weekend, carried away by the happy holiday mood? You can be sure that the recent Easter Weekend must have made for an ideal pretext for many
Conflict of Interest: The cause of the Obesity Epidemic?
Food is big business, with billions of pounds spent on mass production and advertising. It is ironical that the very industry, intrinsic to our well-being should be the cause of the obesity epidemic under which much of the industrialised
What’s Up With This New Paleo Diet Trend?
The Paleo diet theory advocates reverting to eating foods that our bodies have been genetically designed to consume. It refers to a diet based on natural foods that our ancestors ate.
What’s Really In Your Corn Flakes
This very simple experiment highlights the truth behind the fortifying of foods such as corn flakes, cereals, grains and flours. It is shocking to think that there are such things in foods which feature in our everyday lives. Some
Why Stress Is Making You Fat, Tired And Susceptible To Disease
Stress is a word everyone can relate to and we can all feel it from time to time. Some are more susceptible and fall victim to it many times a day whereas others would say they rarely feel stressed
The Obesity Epidemic: Why New Government Advice Will Do No Good
The Government has delivered yet another blow to the fight against the obesity epidemic today with new advice to simply eat less to lose weight. Seems like a simple solution to a very complex problem and although sometimes the